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Personality Types in Business


Many people have asked “What kind of business can I start?” Time and time again I have emphasized on people using their strengths, past experience, education and hobbies/interests to find their entrepreneurship venture. One way to look at your personality from a third angle is through personality tests. Personality tests enable you to identify and see your strengths. By cultivating these strengths, one can start a successful enterprise.  There are any number of factors that can make someone a good or even a great entrepreneur. It is probably true too, that the necessary personal characteristics and sufficient environmental circumstances are latent within all of us and in all of our futures. There are many personality tests but none comes as close to the Myers–Briggs type indicator (MBTI). This has prompted me to write about the The Myers–Briggs type indicator (MBTI). MBTI cannot test for qualities such as courage under fire, self-sacrifice or personal integrity. Nor can we predict the future that may call any one of us to step up the plate at any moment. Although different cultures may value different qualities in a leader, these choices are in truth arbitrary. MBTI cannot test for good or bad leaders but we can make some reasonable predictions about the style in which a particular person might choose to lead.

         MBTI In Business read more

The MBTI is a famous questionnaire for measuring the variables of psychiatrist C. G. Jung’s well-established personality theory, has been a cornerstone, at times controversial, of what has come to be known as ‘‘typology’’, a paradigm for studying and understanding human personality. Numbering in the hundreds of millions, its users may be shocked to learn that in 2009 existing methods for interpreting MBTI results in Jungian terms were challenged on both logical and statistical grounds. The validity of the MBTI itself was not questioned; it was rather the traditional ‘‘type dynamics’’ (TD) method for mapping the MBTI on to Jung’s theory that was criticized. As this is written, passionate controversy over the matter threatens the unity of the community of not only the certified MBTI administrators and consultants, but also the millions employing it for career guidance, corporate job assignment, and psychological counseling.

There are 16 possible leadership styles described by the MBTI specialization, they are:

Sensitive Thinkers

 Sensitive Feelers

·   The Governor (Analyser - ISTJ)

  The Producer (Analyser - ISTP)

  The Director (Analyser - ESTJ)

  The Patron (Analyser – ESTP)


  The Champion (Organizer – ISFJ)

  The Mentor (Organizer – ISFP)

  The Sponsor (Organizer – ESFJ)

  The Enthusiast (Organizer – ESFP)


Intuitive Thinkers

Intuitive Feelers

  The Sage      (Driver – INTJ)

  The Engineer     (Driver – INTP)

  The Commander   (Driver – ENTJ)

  The Creator     (Driver – ENTP)


  The Supporter (Energizer –INFJ)

  The Activist (Energizers – INFP)

  The Instructor (Energizers – ENFJ)

  The Animator (Energizers – ENFP)



The four Personality Dispositions:

Within each style can be seen a particular leadership Disposition (also called temperament*).  Put simply, Disposition is the outward manifestation of personality rather than the personality itself. When referring to something like leadership, how we are perceived is just as important as what we really mean or who we really are.  Disposition is made up of how we tend to communicate and how we tend to act. If you are my boss what you say and do are of primary importance to me, even if it is not so to you.

There are four possible leadership dispositions. SJ, SP, NT and NF.

SJs and NTs communicate in a concrete style while SPs and NFs are more abstract.

SJs and NFs are more co-operative in their actions, while NTs and SPs are more utilitarian.


The NF Disposition

Supporters Activists Instructors and Animators have an NF Disposition

NFs focus on how the Meaning of their Scope connects to the Meaning of everything else.  Their aim is to understand the full significance and Meaning of their Scope, and help it achieve even more Meaning, even if that means their Scope needs to change.

Since they focus on the Meaning of concepts, they tend to focus on their Scope within time as a whole.  Context is the big word for NF, looking at how their Scope fits into the Big Picture of everything and seeing the significance of their Scope within that context.

They tend to think in terms of justice and mercy.

NF leaders tend to expect their juniors to be enthusiastic and positive at all times. Negativity and pessimism will be seen as failure.  NF leaders can also seem very impatient with those who are unwilling or unable to think outside of the box. This can be difficult for those around them who prefer to stick to the tried and tested and value procedure and stability over revolution and experimentation.

NFs are effusive in their praise for others when they perceive that a job has been done well but will secretly hope for a similar level of praise and recognition in return. Juniors may not know that they are expected to reciprocate in this manner so it is as well to ask for feedback if you need it.

NF leaders like to create an agreeable working environment and will react negatively to those who disrupt the peace. Being open about your sensitivities can help but accepting that conflict is occasionally inevitable is also necessary. As uncomfortable as it may be for the NF leader, the team are very often expecting you to pull rank and will welcome the order that can bring.

That said, as an NF leader your primary focus is likely to be on the people in your team and how you can get the best out of them. Make it clear to them what you need personally and what you expect from them professionally.

Likely to get positive attention from an NF leader are:

·         Team members who show passion and commitment

·         Team members who are personally invested in the mission

·         Team members who recognize your positive qualities

Possible flash points for an NF leader are:

·         Team members with conventional or fixed ideas about things

·         Team members who do not work co-operatively

·         Team members who do not want to progress


The SP Disposition

Producers Patrons Mentors and Enthusiasts have an SP Disposition

SP leaders will expect their juniors to be alert to everything around them and able to react quickly and effectively to difficulties. They also expect the team to have fun. That can be difficult for the more serious-minded members of the group, who may find the

SPs style not a little distracting. SP leaders like to experiment and will show frustration with those who do not value novelty to quite the same extent. As a result, those who prefer to stick to the tried and tested or stay within the lines can find working for an SP something of a worry.  That said, efficiency and pragmatism are likely to gain as much positive attention as innovation.

SPs want to make a difference and will look to motivate the team to join them in that mission. They can be resourceful and enjoy a challenge, enjoyment being the operative word. Team members who do not seem to be enjoying what they do are likely to be seen as failing in some way by the SP.

Although capable of being quite direct, most SP leaders will expect the team to respond to hints and suggestions and to show initiative and courage. As an SP leader, it is well to remember that stability, seriousness and safety also have their place.

Likely to get positive attention from an SP leader are:

  Team members who show enthusiasm and have fun

  Team members who are willing to take a risk

  Team members who are practical and down to earth


Possible flash points for an SP leader are:

  Team members who stick rigidly to rules

  Team members who are very serious about their work

  Team members who think and talk in abstractions rather than act


The SJ Disposition

Governors Directors Champions and Sponsors have an SJ Disposition

Sensors focus on the intrinsic value that their Scope already has to offer. Their Objective centers on getting the most out of what their Scope already is, and prefer not to change their Scope.  But a truly healthy Sensor will realize that in order to appreciate and utilize everything they love about their Scope, the bad parts of it may have to be changed.

SJ leaders expect their team members to be acutely aware of his or her intentions and priorities and to question them clearly any time that they are unsure. They will accept alternative ideas and are usually happy to be challenged but will expect these to be well thought out and concrete in nature. Once the alternatives have been evaluated, SJs tend to issue instructions and expect them to be carried out correctly.

SJ leaders respect authority and will expect their own authority to be similarly respected. Failing to do so is likely to be seen as untrustworthiness. SJ’s like to be kept informed and expect work to be done in an organized and timely manner. They have little patience for carelessness or procrastination. 

SJs seek tangible results and expect others to be organized and prepared in their pursuit of their goals. Efficiency, accuracy and timeliness are everything. That all said, SJ’s with active Feeling characteristics will be acutely aware of the impact of their orders on the team and will ameliorate their harsher tendencies as a result, while Thinking SJ’s may be seen as rather cooler. 

SJs do not necessarily give praise openly so it is well to remember that others may need recognition. While order maybe its own reward for the SJ leader, others may require something more.

Likely to get positive attention from an SJ leader are:

  Team members who follow instructions accurately and efficiently

  Team members who are organised and efficient

  Team members who show loyalty


Possible flash points for an SJ leader are:

  Team members who are messy and disorganised

  Team members who go over the boss’s head

  Team members who do not challenge decisions but then do not comply


The NT Disposition

Sages Engineers Commanders and Creators have an NT Disposition

NTs focus on how the Use of their Scope connects to the Use of everything else.  Their aim is to find ways to maximize the Use of their beloved Scope, and raise it to its full Potential, even if that requires their Scope to change.  They love to find new possible uses for their Scope.

Since they focus on the Use of concepts, they tend to focus on the future of their Scope and examining conceptually how to “new and improve” their Scope, adding to its usefulness by going forward into possibilities.  They use their iNtuition to see the context of how their Scope connects to everything else to see what it’s still missing and needs to be added.

They tend to think in terms of truth and error.

NT leaders expect their juniors and colleagues to embrace change and to be constantly improving and moving forward. Slow and steady does not win this race. Team members hoping to impress the NT leader need to move fast and make a real difference. NTs are full of new ideas and constantly experimenting, they will expect similar levels of creativity form their team and will see conservatism as stubbornness or even a direct challenge to their authority.

NTs have a low boredom threshold and will expect the team to have an eye on the future, just as they do. Their need for constant motion may leave the steadier members of the group feeling somewhat shell-shocked however and the NT leaders tendency to criticise rather than praise can also leave others (the Feelers in the group in particular) feeling somewhat bruised.

That said, NTs are driven to achieve and will value anyone who is willing to put their shoulder into the task. A track record of success will be seen as the most obvious sign of a team member’s value however.

NTs are straight talkers and will appreciate a similar level of forthrightness in others. They are creative and forward-looking but sufficiently rational to reject any ideas, which do not stand up to logical analysis. Likewise, those who continually propose them are likely to receive equally short shrift. NTs say what they mean and they mean what they say. Although many are highly creative and original in the way that they express themselves, their ideas are always underpinned with logic. They will expect a similar level of rigour from their juniors but as an NT it is well to remember that to be truly creative might mean taking a flight of fancy once in a while.

Likely to get positive attention from an NT leader are:

  Team members who like to compete and take on a challenge

  Team members who are creative and open to change

  Team members who are rational and thick skinned


Possible flash points for an NT leader are:

  Team members who are conservative and unwilling to move forward 

  Team members who are highly emotional

  Team members who do not achieve observable results


The Sixteen Type Specializations

The Sentinel/ The Governor (Analyser - ISTJ)


World Value Specialization- Protective Use of the Theoretical Collective

Focused on the Value of the World as it is and has been, the ISTJ Sentinel stands as the watchman at the gate of their World, ever vigilant against threats to the Principles they hold dear.  Behind an often-stoic exterior, the ISTJ Sentinel is passionate about protecting their world and culture, ever aware of the things that should not be forgotten, but which are ever in danger of being lost.  With their last cognition step being character observation, they fear that the people they don’t understand will rip down the world they love. But, if they don’t acknowledge the parts of their world that need to change, they’ll end up upholding and protecting a status-quo that goes against their own, deeply held principles and hurting the very worth of the world they vowed to protect.

Leadership Style

·   Meticulous and quality oriented, runs a “tight ship”

  Rational and systematic

  Gives clear instructions and expects high standards

  Thorough and thoughtful

  Excellent planner

  Straight-forward, open communicator



  Rule oriented


  May lose sight of the emotions of others

Natural strengths

·         Delivering clearly defined projects

·         Finding practical solutions and making audited decisions

·         Keeping the team calm in a crisis

·         Paying attention to every detail

·         Delivering high quality outcomes

·         Diplomatic, open and honest communication

Possible struggles

·         May struggle to communicate abstract or ambiguous ideas

·         May lack awareness of emotions and emotional needs in others

·         May struggle to deal with Feeling or iNtuitive types over prolonged periods

·         May dislike leading outside of predefined structures or where goals are unclear

Meticulous and thoughtful in nature, Governors in a leadership role are likely to be clear and consistent with their customers, colleagues and juniors alike. Governor leaders give well-defined, straightforward instructions and expect those around them to plan in an orderly and logical fashion. As an Analyser pivoting on Introverted Sensing (Si) the Governor will gather information and rely on his or her own expertise and considerable knowledge-base to assess situations and possible outcomes before acting. Governors may be impatient with those who do not seem equally systematic in their approach.


The Governor’s auxiliary Function of Extroverted Thinking (Te) will also see them keen to take charge when things are not proceeding as they would like, organising others and potentially micro managing work that they feel they could do better.


Governor leaders are likely to take their time about planning and decision-making and will feel the need to be able to explain their rationale and review decisions if necessary. Detached and fair-minded in their dealings with staff, colleagues and customers, they make excellent diplomats and problem solvers.


Governors may need to be careful not to become bogged down in the minutia of a situation however, possibly losing sight of broader objectives as a result. They might also need to remind themselves to be aware of other people’s emotional and personal responses to working conditions and objectives. What may seem like a perfectly reasonable desire for self-discipline to a Governor in a leadership role, may feel like a straightjacket to others.

The Weapons Specialist/The Producer (Analyser - ISTP)

Situational Value Specialization- Tactical/Expediting/Instrumenting

Protective Use of Theoretical Individuals

The ISTP Weapons Specialist is the master of mastery; the specialist of specialism.  Their focus is centered on getting the most out of the Situation at hand, focusing on their hard-earned skills, achieved through jumping full-throttle into falling in love with something and immersing themselves totally and completely in it, using their bodies and minds together as a precision instrument at whatever speaks to them.  They love to push themselves to the limits of what’s possible in a Situation, just to explore what can be done in a given moment.  But with both their ST and IP focusing on getting the most use out of their past experiences, and because the way in which they used their past Situations is so important to them, the Weapons Specialist needs to beware claiming that they’ve experienced every possible type of experience. With their final cognition step being principles, the ISTP may have trouble fully realizing how universal the universe really is.  But this is really good news for the Weapons Specialist, as it means there is always a new adventure waiting and new ways to use their very special specialism.

Leadership Style

·         Enjoys leading into unknown territory

·         Has a practical, hands on approach

·         Likes to improve existing systems

·         Leads projects with tangible outcomes

·         Builds the team and it’s knowledge base over time, then works quickly

·         Needs freedom to act autonomously

·         Fair-minded

·         Realistic

·         Loyal

·         Reflective

·         Can be oblivious to the sensitivities of juniors

Natural Strengths

·         Leading in action orientated environments

·         Taking on challenges

·         Innovating and improving

·         Keeping the team calm in a crisis

·         Solving practical problems

·         Delivering tangible outcomes

Possible struggles

·         May be unaware of the emotions of others

·         May fail to give praise or recognise the efforts of juniors

·         May overstep expected boundaries

·         May pace workload inconsistently

Watchful and efficient by nature, as Producers in a leadership role are likely to be open to ideas and willing to take on board the opinions and knowledge of others around them. Producer leaders look to give others (their Juniors in particular) the freedom to act independently and to use their own initiative wherever possible. By assimilating all the available information Producers look to find the most rational and efficient way forward and will expect those around them to be equally efficient. Producer leaders have little tolerance for the unproductive or the disorganised. 

Pivoting on Introverted Thinking (Ti), Producers can be cool, calm and rational under pressure. As a result, they will be respected as reliable leaders but may also be seen as being slightly withdrawn. In fact, Leadership can sometimes seem irksome to them with many Producers preferring to remain focused on individual or technical work.  

That said, Producer leaders have a practical, hands-on and down-to-earth approach (Their auxiliary Function is Extroverted Sensing (Se)), which can gain them a great deal of respect amongst their colleagues, as too can their willingness to trust and empower those around them.

These same tendencies can however, occasionally see them losing sight of the bigger picture. 

The Director/ The Cannon (Analyser - ESTJ)

Group Value Specialization- Logical/Regulating/Enforcing

Protective Use of a Particular Collective

The ESTJ Cannon is the “Action Corner” of the graph, specializing in doing and doing well, protecting their Group of people with similar end goals, so that the rest of the group can do the same.  They’re excellent at understanding how to use actions and consequences to the pragmatic use of their Group’s intrinsic Value.  They focus on using the Group they already have in front of them, getting the most utility out of the people they have at their fingertips, and their aim is to protect and free up the members of their Group so that they can fulfill their own roles and help the Group shine and work like clockwork.  But while we love the “point and shoot” nature of our ETJs, the need for pointing *before* shooting cannot be overemphasized, and the Cannon needs to be sure not to leap into action before they’re sure their understanding of the intricacies of a situation (EJs’ last) is a complete picture.  Also, being the action specialist, the Cannon needs to be careful not to judge others’ worth on their ability to act.

Leadership Style

·         Actively enjoys leadership

·         Gives clear, concise and unambiguous instruction

·         Enjoys leading in challenging environments

·         Excellent team player

·         Expects high standards of all team members

·         Forms good working relationships

·         Technical

·         Thorough

·         Organised

·         Honest

·         Can be impatient or overbearing

Natural strengths

·         Creating disciplined teams

·         Delivering projects to high standards of accuracy

·         Clear and articulate communication

·         Sticking to the task and staying focused

·         Keeping the team together and performing when under pressure

·         Trustworthy and consistent

Possible struggles

·         May micro-manage

·         May be overly authoritarian

·         May struggle to work with ambiguous or ill-defined goals

·         May be impatient with Feeling and iNtuative types

The Director in a leadership role’s primary strength will be the ability to make firm rational decisions, stand behind them and carry them out. Directors enjoy leadership and enjoy getting things done. Pivoting on Extraverted Thinking (Te) they are rational, practical and utterly down-to-earth as leaders. The Director leader knows what to do and gets on with the job. There is a right way and a wrong way and generally Directors know that theirs is the right way. That black and white attitude can, however, leave others somewhat shell-shocked and feeling that their opinions and ideas have been overridden or ignored. 

With a little maturity and self-awareness, Director leaders can learn to utilise their auxiliary function, Introverted iNtuition (Ni), and may even begin to enjoy exchanging ideas with, and possibly even trusting others to take the initiative and an occasional step into the unknown. 

Feeling types in particular can often find Director leaders almost incomprehensible. What may seem like simply logical and efficient leadership to a Director may seem to the Feelers in the team to be unnecessarily heartless or even willfully cruel. Being right may be enough for you as a Director in a leadership role, but it is well to remember that those working beneath you may need affirmation, praise and emotional recognition too.

Directors usually enjoy and seek leadership roles and their clever and forceful personalities can be a positive asset when they do.

The Patron/ The Spartan (Analyser – ESTP)

Individual Value Specialization- Tactical/Expediting/Persuading

Protective Use of Particular Individuals, starting with themselves

The ESTP Spartan is the champion of Individualism, loving to explore the Value of Individuals as they already are and have been, starting with the ESTP themselves.  The Spartan’s goal is to see just how much they can do with what they already have in their self-hood arsenal, just how spectacularly cool they can be without losing who they are at all.  They love to use the whole world as a sounding board to find out just what they are and enjoy that self, and love to enjoy others and teach them to do the same.  There is no problem at all with the ESTP Spartan enjoying themselves, but they need to be sure that their healthy stubbornness about maintaining the person they are doesn’t turn into stubbornness about their actions which, as EPs, they’re likely to suck at.  It is completely possible to keep the core of the person you are while being willing to change the bits of yourself that you didn’t like in the first place.

Leadership Style

·         An energetic and outgoing leader

·         Sets realistic targets

·         Enjoys leading dynamic teams in changing environments

·         Takes calculated risks

·         Expects everyone to get involved

·         Motivates the team to work quickly

·         Entrepreneurial

·         Adaptable

·         Charming

·         Hands on

·         Can be insensitive or overly boisterous

Natural Strengths

·         Enjoys leadership

·         Staying alert to every detail

·         Taking on challenging projects

·         Motivating the team to achieve tangible results

·         Challenging standard practice

·         Bringing energy and dynamism to the team

Possible struggles

·         May be a little chaotic

·         May be oblivious to the emotional needs of juniors

·         May be very blunt

·         May fail to value intangible outcomes

The Patron in a leadership role is likely to be outgoing, likeable and action-oriented. Patrons pivot on Extraverted Sensing (Se), which gives them the ability to assess problems and build Solutions in real time. The Patron leader is acutely aware of his or her surroundings and alive to opportunities and possibilities. They can take advantage of these quickly and efficiently and like to lead from the front. Charismatic, adventurous, no nonsense types, Patron leaders are likely to be well respected and admired.

The Patron leader can be an engaging and inspiring speaker. Despite their more logical tendencies (their auxiliary function in Introverted Thinking (Ti)) the mature Patron has access to a tertiary Feeling function, which can give them a greater sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others. 

 Patron leaders like to be liked, which can make tough decisions and delivering bad news a very stressful experience for them. That said, they are unlikely to shrink form a fight if it becomes necessary.

 As practical hands-on types Patron leaders may also struggle to spend much time planning ahead and engaging with broader strategies.


The Champion/ The Knight (Organiser – ISFJ)

World Experience Specialization- Logical/Supporting/Securing

Protective Meaning of the Theoretical Collective

The ISFJ Knight is the chivalrous protector of Meaning in the World as it stands, dedicated to the Principles that keep the World Experience safe. Dependability their mantra, the ISFJ Knight is determined to uphold what it means to them to be a pillar of their collective, which to them is bigger than any of the individuals within it.  The Knight enjoys the World as it is and finds great joy in serving and nurturing that world in a rugged, on the ground sort of way.  As an IFJ though, they struggle with overly positive character judgments and therefore need to turn to the Principles they advocate to be sure the World they love and the people safeguarding it are still living up to everything they were meant to stand for.

Leadership Style

·         Enjoys leading in service-oriented environments

·         Creates good relationships within the team

·         Looks for win-win solutions

·         Keeps the team on task

·         Works within defined boundaries

·         Enjoys tackling day-to-day challenges

·         Practical

·         Hard working

·         People oriented

·         Organised

·         Can become over involved in routine matters

Natural Strengths

·         Encouraging the team to perform

·         Building cohesive working groups

·         Offering emotional and personal support to team members

·         Delivering projects carefully and thoroughly

·         Enabling others to work at their best

·         Working at a steady pace

Possible struggles

·         May not accept criticism

·         May be slow to implement change

·         May not assert authority

·         May lose sight of broader objectives

The Champion in a leadership role is likely to be conscientious and dedicated to the task in hand. Pivoting on Introverted Sensing (Si) Champion leaders are thoughtful, organised and methodical. As well as being keen to meet deadlines and organise the team to work methodically toward their goals, the Champion, utilising their auxiliary Extraverted Feeling (Fi) function, is able to show a great deal of care and consideration for the wellbeing of their team and their mission in equal measure. 

Champion leaders are able to balance the need for accurate, detail-oriented work with the needs of the people carrying out that work and for the environment around them. 

Often well-rounded individuals Champions consider the facts and logic as well as the human consequences of their decisions, before putting them into action. Their own personal wellbeing may take third place behind these other priorities so stress can be a problem for this type when the pressure is on. 

The concentration on people and the here and now considerations of the job can sometimes blind the Champion leader to broader strategic requirements. Champion leaders also often dislike confrontation and will go to great lengths to avoid it. Delivering bad news or dealing with some of the tougher decisions of leadership may be difficult for them as a result.

The Mentor/ The Explorer (Organiser – ISFP)

Situational Experience Specialization- Tactical/Improvising/Synthesizing

Protective Meaning of Theoretical Individuals

The ISFP Explorer explores the Experience of every moment, getting the most meaning out of every exploration, and every moment is a new adventure. Treasuring the little things is the Explorer’s deep love and they have a beautiful understanding of details and their importance.  As IP question askers, they’re intent on finding why each moment matters in a wonderfully goofy, immersive way.  But since the things they explore are so desperately important to them, they may try and offset the fear of loss by either holding desperately to the things and Experiences they’ve accumulated, or by growing aloof and trying not to care about anything too much.  But the Explorer can remember that there will always be more moments and details to Experience and treasure, so they can both feel free to let go of the ones they have, and feel free to really immerse themselves in whatever Experiences may come their way.

Leadership Style

·         A creative and adventurous leader

·         Willing to take on everyone’s ideas

·         Supports the team to succeed

·         Enjoys leading the team on practical projects

·         Is willing to take calculated risks

·         Builds strong teams and networks

·         Ethical

·         Charming

·         Reflective

·         Spontaneous

·         May be over sensitive and unpredictable

Natural strengths

·         Motivating the team

·         Giving freedom to act

·         Getting involved and valuing everyone’s contribution

·         Fostering co-operation and team spirit

·         Supporting team members one-to-one

·         Providing resources

Possible struggles

·         May fail to “pull rank” when necessary

·         May not plan long term

·         May avoid necessary conflict

·         Needs recognition and appreciation from the team

The Mentor in a leadership role is likely to be a compassionate and caring individual, leading from the heart rather than the head. Pivoting around Introverted Feeling (Fi) the Mentor leader’s beliefs and principles are paramount and they often take leadership roles in companies and organisations with a genuine mission to do good in the world. 

Highly sensitive to the needs of others and the consequences of their decisions, Mentor leaders consider all the implications of a decision before taking action.

The Mentor’s auxiliary function is Extraverted Sensing (Se). They are hands on, practical, here-and-now people. Harmony within the team will be of great importance to them, while rules and deadlines can seem less important. Juniors and colleagues who are Thinkers may see their approach as woolly and irrational but at their best Mentors are empathic, organised and principled leaders who will see their mission through to the end, often at the cost of their own wellbeing.

Mentor leaders are not necessarily attuned to the broader strategic vision however and support from iNtuative types can often be useful. Perhaps the Mentor leader’s greatest challenge though, is their hatred of conflict of all kinds.

The Sponsor/ The Cavalry (Organiser – ESFJ)

Group Experience Specialization- Logical/Supporting/Supplying

Protective Meaning of a Particular Collective

The social leader, the ESFJ Cavalry loves to Experience the Group and improve the Group’s Experience.  They love to charge at the front of their party on a shining white steed as an example of what to do and how to act, encouraging those who follow in their wake.  Loving a oneness with the Group as it currently stands, they excel at understanding and leading the social consciousness and people love following their fun, charming lead.  But with their relationship with the Group being so important to them, the Cavalry needs to remember to be real and help steer social expectations in a meaningful direction, rather than getting pulled along with them.  If the ESFJ lets their desire to be popular or fit in with the Group exceed their love of the Group and the members in it, they can end up hurting the very people they intended to enjoy in the first place.

Leadership Style

·         An approachable and supportive leader

·         Actively enjoys taking control

·         Respects authority and expects the same from juniors

·         A passionate and values driven leader

·         Maintains order

·         Likely to be popular

·         Organised

·         Traditional

·         Sociable

·         Respectful

·         Does not enjoy leading into the unknown

Natural strengths

·         Giving clear instructions

·         Maintaining pace and structure

·         Creating a sense of purpose within the team

·         Creating clear lines of accountability and authority

·         Social and emotional awareness

·         Willingness to deal with day-to-day routine

Possible struggles

·         May be over sensitive to criticism

·         May avoid necessary conflict

·         May take challenges to authority personally

·         Vulnerable to stress

The Sponsor in a leadership role will be warm hearted, dedicated and probably well-liked too. Sponsor leaders have high empathic abilities and show a great deal of concern for their team. Pivoting on Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Sponsors work best when the whole team and the wider organisation share a goal and have shared values.  

Sponsor leaders tend to work as hard for their team as they expect the team to work for them. When things get tough, the Sponsor is likely to be found in the trenches with sleeves rolled up. 

 With Introverted Sensing (Si) in the auxiliary position the Sponsor leader is practical, down-to-earth and task focused. Day-to-day planning and organisation will be strong, as will a strong focus on openness and principled behaviour. Long-term, broad-brush strategic thinking may be less so. This, coupled with the Sponsor’s desire for stability and harmony, can occasionally be at odds with the broader, more logical requirements of the organisation or the situation.

As a Sponsor in a leadership position you will need to be aware of the potential conflicts between your worldview and that of the organisation and the broader strategy.

The Enthusiast/ The Morale Officer (Organiser – ESFP)

Individual Experience Specialization- Tactical/Improvising/Demonstrating

Protective Meaning of Particular Individuals, starting with themselves

The ESFP Morale Officer puts themselves in charge of the Individual Experience, making sure that each person, including themselves, gets to enjoy and be enjoyed to the fullest extent of who they are.  Focused on loving and enjoying people as they already are, the Morale Officer makes people feel like they matter, and knows how people feel *right now* is important.  ESFP’s biggest fear is that they’ll never have a lasting impact on anyone, and so they may feel more desperate to please individuals in the moment, often at the expense of standing up to them.  But while the ESFP may be trying their best to choose action to make others happy, they need to realize that sometimes you need to make someone unhappy in the short run in order to make them *happier* in the long run.

Leadership Style

·         An affable and energetic leader

·         Likes to be highly visible within the team

·         Is aware of the needs of team members

·         Supports the team to act

·         Enjoys leading in dynamic environments

·         Gives time and energy generously

·         Enthusiastic

·         Resourceful

·         Ethical

·         Down to earth

·         Can be over sensitive to criticism

Natural strengths

·         Leading by example

·         Bringing energy and enthusiasm to the task

·         Has high emotional awareness

·         Encouraging everyone to get involved

·         Supporting juniors to grow and succeed

·         Creating a comfortable working environment

Possible struggles

·         May fail to “pull rank” when necessary

·         Needs recognition and appreciation from the team

·         May be seen as lacking seriousness

·         May take criticism personally

The Enthusiast in a leadership role will be outgoing, likeable, hands-on and inspiring. Enthusiast leaders, pivoting as they do, around Extraverted Sensing (Se), are often charismatic and energetic leaders, willing to roll up their sleeves and connect with the members of their team. Enthusiasts are highly attuned to the needs and emotional lives of others and will take this into account when making decisions or leading the group toward it’s goals.

 Active and fun-loving, Enthusiast leaders not only prefer the most realistic and pragmatic route to success but will also look for the way that would be the most enjoyable for all concerned. That said, Enthusiasts in leadership roles are also steered by their highly developed moral compass. Decisions and strategies will need to align with their value systems for them to fully buy in to them. The Enthusiast leader’s need for constant novelty, while bringing excitement and vigour, can also lead to frustration when more routine work, long term commitment or strict standards are needed. 

 The Enthusiast’s personality type enables them to make quick decisions and solve problems in real-time, finding practical and pragmatic solutions to practical and pragmatic problems. However, this here-and-now focus can occasionally find them losing sight of the future and of broader strategic aims. 

 Like all Sensing Feeling types, Enthusiasts can also find it difficult to make hard and unpopular decisions. 

The Sage/ The Dragon (Driver – INTJ)

World Potential Specialization- Strategic/Arranging/Entailing

Possible Use of the Theoretical Collective

With both a profound love of conceptual Principles and a fierce understanding of the Use of Action, the INTJ Dragon is fully prepared to improve the World according to its full Potential.  With majestic precision and principled poise, they have a vision of what the world on the whole could be and the plans to get it there, though helping the World reach the extent of what they can envision usually requires the world and people to change for the better.  But, while in the pursuit of overcoming the maladies of the World, the INTJ Dragon needs to be careful not to raze the world as it is, people included, if the particular collective in front of them isn’t living up to the theoretical collective they can imagine.  No burninating the peasants.

Leadership Style

·         A progressive leader who embraces change

·         Enjoys intellectually challenging projects

·         Motivates the team to act

·         Likely to develop technical knowledge

·         Works to high standards

·         Delivers innovative results

·         Unconventional

·         Independent

·         Strategic

·         Motivational

·         Can find procedures and restrictions difficult

Natural strengths

·         Giving the team freedom to act autonomously

·         Expects high standards and efficiency

·         Inspiring the team to perform

·         Thinking and planning strategically

·         Innovating and managing change

·         Finding rational and realistic solutions

Possible struggles

·         May expect too much of others

·         May not give clear instructions

·         May be impatient with juniors who are keen to please 

·         May struggle to work within defined boundaries

The Sage in the leadership role will be strong, rational and determined, with a clear vision of the future. Sage leaders enjoy taking the lead and are able to remain focused on the job, inspiring confidence in their customers, colleagues and juniors alike.

 Sage leaders (in common with other types pivoting on Introverted iNtuition (Ni)) tend to be ingenious and unconventional. They can often seem to conjure new ideas from apparently nowhere. Sages in leadership roles are able to use their considerable knowledge and ability to see the future, in order to create mental roadmaps and strategies with which they lead their teams and organisations forward. The potential impact of any decision and the efficiency and logic of any course of action will quickly be subjected to analysis through this prism before action is taken.

Sages can, however, occasionally struggle to articulate clearly what they have in mind. As a Sage in a leadership position you will need to be aware of this and make sure that others really do understand what you need from them. You may also become so focused on your goals and the broader strategy that the day-to-day needs of your team become of secondary importance.

The Engineer/The Alchemist (Driver – INTP)

Situational Potential Specialization- Rational/Constructing/Designing

Possible Use of Theoretical Individuals

The INTP Alchemist is all about finding new ways to get the most Potential use out of every moment, finding joy in modes, methods and systems, ideas and possibilities, natural explorers in the realm of what could be.  They love to use their minds to explore the world by themselves, using abstract thought to find solutions to problems and to understand the nuances of data and specifics, innovating in order to use each Situation as effectively a possible.  But with a love of mental specializing and a fear that they need to be the smartest kid in the class or be rendered worthless, the Alchemist needs to remember that (as this post demonstrates) they don’t have to specialize in everything and aren’t lessened by needing others’ strengths as much as other need them.  They especially need to be aware that specific data does not unilaterally apply to every Situation and it’s tempting for an INTP to imply that being good at details means that their worldview is correct, when usually the two are entirely unrelated.

Leadership Style

·         An ingenious and inventive leader

·         Thrives on challenge

·         An excellent problem solver

·         Motivates team to work hard

·         An excellent theoretician

·         Works well in partnership with more practical types

·         Innovative

·         Reflective

·         Competitive

·         Single-minded

·         Can be oblivious to the sensitivities of others 

Natural strengths

·         Planning and strategic thinking

·         Openness to ideas from inside and outside of the team

·         Enforcing very high standards

·         Driving the team to compete

·         Remaining flexible and adapting to circumstances

·         Keeping self and team on task

Possible struggles

·         May be highly critical of others

·         May have unrealistically high expectations

·         May be impatient with juniors who are eager to please

·         May be oblivious to the feelings of others

The Engineer in a leadership role will be curious, ingenious and insightful. Engineers (in common with other types pivoting on Introverted Thinking (Ti)) work hard to understand the world in rational terms. With Extraverted iNtuition (Ni) in the auxiliary position Engineers can also inspire others, expressing their hard-won understanding in engaging and interesting ways.

Engineer leaders are generally open to the ideas of others and willing to listen to the opinions of their team members and colleagues, even if it is clear that they disagree. Engineers in a leadership role will generally give space to others to express themselves, to experiment and to be creative. Their clear oversight and strategic insight will enable them to take a broader view and step in when necessary. 

Engineers in leadership positions will be strongly focused on the future and will want to move things forward at a pace. However, the downsides associated with this restless and creative temperament are a very low boredom threshold and an unwillingness to be tied down by bureaucracy or standards imposed by others. Engineers may also seem unwilling to slow down to allow others to catch up. 

The Commander/ The Crusader (Driver – ENTJ)

Group Potential Specialization- Strategic/Arranging/Mobilising

Possible Use of a Particular Collective

Focused on the Potential of their Group as it can be, the ENTJ Crusader is a passionate recruiter to their causes, able to see the future capacity of their like-minded team and make it happen.  They have a powerful ability to rally others to action and show them why causes and purposes matter so much, because they understand just what a Group can do to change the world for the better, given the chance.  One of the main ways the ENTJ Crusader seeks the future success of their own team, is to rush into battle against opposing teams, ready to defend their team’s ideals at a moment’s notice, unafraid or even spoiling for a fight.  But the Crusader needs to watch out for oversimplifications about the finer details of situations.  With their last step being data and details, ENTJs tend to build up strawmen arguments without considering the complexity of a situation and end up hurting or estranging people who may have been on their side if given a chance.  Passion is good and it’s one of ENTJ’s greatest assets, but without complexity it can end up being one of their greatest liabilities.

Leadership Style

·         A natural leader who actively enjoys being in control

·         Leads the team to defined goals

·         Enjoys leading in challenging circumstances

·         Recognises and encourages talent in others

·         Enjoys solving problems

·         Acts first and reflects later

·         Charismatic

·         Entrepreneurial

·         Self-motivating

·         Competitive

·         Can be self-important or insensitive

Natural strengths

·         Leading the team from the front

·         Motivating the team to rise to a challenge

·         Working to high standards

·         Utilising the talents of others

·         Maintaining confidence and belief within the team

·         Planning and strategy

Possible struggles

·         May be impatient with juniors

·         May ignore alternative ideas from both inside and outside of the team

·         May allow winning to override all other priorities 

·         May cause unnecessary conflict

The Commander in a leadership role will be confident, decisive and strategically minded.  Commanders enjoy taking the lead; in fact they struggle to do anything else. Leading as they do with Extraverted Thinking (Te), Commander leaders are keen to share their ideas with the team. Commanders think big, they say what they mean and they mean what they say. Energetic and hard-working the Commander specialises in motivating others, expecting everyone to have a similar level of enthusiasm to themselves.

With an auxiliary function of Introverted iNtuition (Ni) the Commander leader is quick to understand the problem and quicker still to see a solution. Commanders appear driven and focused, often so much so that being around them can be something of a challenge. This type of leader likes to get hold of a project and work hard to reach a goal, instantly looking for another once it is achieved.

Feeling types in particular may sometimes struggle to accept the matter of fact, rational and occasionally ruthless thinking of the Commander leader. While Sensing types may find themselves bewildered by the Commander’s need to move so quickly that they ignore the needs, ideas and input of others.

Commanders like things their own way and although they may often be right, they may miss the details of a situation and leave others feeling as if they have been ignored or steamrollered. 

The Creator/The Swashbuckler (Driver – ENTP)

Individual Potential Specialization- Strategic/Constructing/Devising

Possible Use of Particular Individuals, starting with themselves

Ever unpredictable, the ENTP Swashbuckler does what works; they excel at applying and adapting the tools in their observed arsenal to whatever new and unusual situation they might come up against, disregarding the rules and following their gut.  Focusing on the Potential of Individuals, starting with themselves, the Swashbuckler is all about exploring and pushing the limits of what they as a person can do and be, and encouraging others to do the same. With their love of observing people and their motivations, the Swashbuckler is excellent at seeing, understanding, and changing their own character to become the larger-than-life person they *want* to be.  But the Swashbuckler, with their last cognition step being action, needs to be careful not to be flippant with the damage mistaken actions can cause.  An ENTP who no longer *cares* about the effect of their mistakes on others is no longer well-intentioned, which leaves them a hollow shell of the person they wanted to be in the first place.

Leadership Style

·         A straight talking and accessible leader

·         Motivates the team to work to high standards

·         Encourages debate

·         Values input from every member of the team

·         Identifies and supports talent

·         Enjoys leading in dynamic environments

·         Meritocratic

·         Logical

·         Challenging

·         Charismatic

·         Can become bored very easily

 Natural strengths

·         Thinking and working tactically

·         Utilising the whole team to solve problems

·         Encouraging the team to think creatively

·         Finding a clear path in chaotic circumstances

·         Staying objective and dealing with juniors even handily

·         Solving problems in real time

Possible struggles

·         May cause unnecessary conflict

·         May move ahead of the team before projects are complete

·         May not marry theory with practice

·         May struggle with day-to-day routine

The Creator in a leadership role is likely to be competitive and forward thinking in nature and a natural entrepreneur. Creator leaders like a challenge and enjoy change. Leading with Extraverted iNtuition (Ne) the Creator quickly sees the potential of any situation and likes to move forward at a pace. The Creator leader likes to solve problems on the hoof and enjoys working in a fast-paced environment. 

Creators in leadership roles make decisions based on their vision of the future but may treat the logical steps of how things might be achieved as of secondary importance. This enthusiastic and excitable nature can energise and inspire others and create innovative and exciting projects. However, it may leave them blind to detail and somewhat disorganised. A low boredom threshold can also see them moving on with projects unfinished, when things start to get bogged down. 

Working for a Creator can be difficult for Sensing types in particular as the Creator struggles to prioritise or stay focused on one thing at a time. The naturally competitive nature of the Creator leader is at once an advantage, (driving them and the team to excel) and a potential problem, particularly for the more person focused Feeling types in the team.

The Supporter/The Paladin (Energiser – INFJ)

World Meaning Specialization- Diplomatic/Developing/Guiding

Possible Meaning of the Theoretical Collective

The INFJ Paladin is all about context and the application of Meaning.  With a fantastic understanding of universal principles and how they weave their way through the World at large, they are excellent at making principles *useful*, turning them into action and applying them to everyday situations, cutting right to the core of *why* things work.  They take the meaning throughout the world and use it to make real life decisions, as well as move the world closer to the meaningful ideal that those principles help them see.  Like the other IJs, they struggle with understanding the intentions of individuals and need to remember not to equate someone breaking or upholding a principle as a measure of that person’s character.  Also, their fear of standing out from the crowd and desire to be liked as who they really are, can make them doubt their own better judgment and keep them from recognizing the flaws in others.

Leadership Style

·         A natural and passionate leader

·         Inspires the team to work toward meaningful goals

·         Leads the team from the front

·         Builds relationships inside and outside of the team

·         Empowers others to contribute

·         Solves problems creatively 

·         Charismatic

·         Confident

·         Adaptable

·         Motivational

·         Can seek to manipulate others

Natural strengths

·         Inspiring the team to work toward a common goal

·         Valuing the contributions of everyone and encouraging participation

·         Seeking win-win solutions

·         Dealing with issues diplomatically

·         Encouraging tolerance and open-mindedness

·         Understanding and assessing the needs and talents of others

Possible struggles

·         May seek to please everyone

·         May allow personal values to override broader aims

·         May avoid necessary direct conflict

·         May have unrealistic expectations of self and the team

The Supporter in a leadership role will bring passion, insight and vision.  Supporter leaders can often be found in positions connected with something that they are truly passionate about. Pivoting around Introverted iNtuition (Ni) Supporter leaders are full of new ideas and strategies. They are very often perfectionists in terms of their own performance, while being simultaneously rather more forgiving of the shortcomings of others.

Supporter leaders will generally involve everybody in decisions and try hard to understand what the consequences of those decisions will be, both personally to those involved and in terms of their effects on the grand plan. 

Supporters in leadership roles who have developed a certain amount of maturity and self-knowledge can avoid the stress that may come from seeking unattainable perfection, but those that have not, may find that the exceptionally high standards that they have set for themselves are more of a burden than a benefit. Supporters are forward looking and hardworking but due to their auxiliary function of Introverted Feeling (Fi) may sometimes struggle to share their vision with others.

Supporters value harmony within the group but also dislike conflict to the extent that they may avoid it all together.

The Activist/The Ranger (Energiser – INFP)

Situational Meaning Specialization- Diplomatic/Mediating/Conciliating

Possible Meaning of Theoretical Individuals

The INFP Ranger is the Meaning explorer, a question asker whose aim is to understand the context of each Situation within the whole.  Where INFJs love to find how Meaning applies to action, the INFP instead loves to explore the philosophical what-ifs of Meaning, like INTPs do with use, finding new ways that the power of details and delving deep into theory can reflect on the Meaning of the whole.  The Ranger needs to remember though, that since the explore Meaning by themselves, focusing on details, and Principles are their last cognition step like the other IPs, they need to remember that meaningful details that apply to one Situation do not a universal principle make.  But as the INFP Ranger focuses on the potential Meaning of Situations and turning that into character judgments, both where they excel, they can contribute such a light of understanding to others.

Leadership Style

·         An idealistic and inclusive leader

·         Gives the team freedom to act

·         Works to high ethical standards

·         Empowers others to make decisions

·         Forms authentic relationships inside and outside of the team

·         Balances strategic and day-to-day requirements

·         Flexible

·         Visionary

·         Respectful

·         Committed

·         Can have overly high expectations of self and others

Natural strengths

·         Identifying and exploiting opportunities

·         Leading when goals are unclear or ambiguous 

·         Motivating the team to embrace the mission

·         Understanding the potential implications of decisions

·         Keeping the team on task during challenging times

·         Encouraging authentic communication within and around the team

Possible struggles

·         May be sensitive to criticism

·         May avoid “pulling rank” in order to maintain friendly relationships

·         May allow emotions to cloud judgement and eschew pragmatic options as a result

·         May struggle to translate theory into practice

The Activist in a leadership role will be empathic, passionate and innovative. Activist leaders are true idealists and tend to take leadership positions in organisations or situations in which they can fight for something they truly believe in. Activists have a vision of a better world and will put their energy into leading others toward that vision.

Pivoting on Introverted Feeling (Fi), Activist leaders make decisions based on their moral values and in alignment with their vision of the future. It is important to them that those decisions will affect the people around them and the members of their team positively. They will often expect others to devote themselves to the vision and to put their personal needs aside in order to achieve it. As such, the Activist leader can often be seen as a paradoxical mix of patient and caring leader and hard taskmaster.

Activist leaders do not like to work in conventional ways and with an auxiliary function of Extraverted iNtuition (Ne) working in conjunction with their pivot function, they can communicate both verbally and in writing with passion and flare, inspiring others in the process. 

Activist leaders are very often on a personal mission and so may take criticism very personally as a result. They may also struggle to be critical of others and avoid conflict whenever possible. Prioritising and organising may also be a struggle for the Activist and deadlines can often seem very stressful. 


The Instructor/The Veteran (Energiser – ENFJ)

Group Meaning Specialization- Diplomatic/Developing/Educating

Possible Meaning of a Particular Collective

With a focus on the Meaning of action and how their Group fits into the context of all of time, the ENFJ Veteran has a timeless quality that both looks to the past and the overarching Meaning of what people have done and what events have transpired, but lives and acts in the moment.  They live for their connections with their Group, which for them is anyone connected with them in common Meaning or understanding, and the victories and defeats of their friends are indistinguishable from their own joys and travails.  But even as their empathy is their greatest strength, it can also put them in danger of Faramir Dilemma, as choosing between Group members can be like ripping themselves in two.  If they ignore what details and situations say about their friends, they can end up pulling down the Meaning of the whole Group in order to protect the Meaning of one.

Leadership Style

·         An eloquent and outgoing leader

·         Actively enjoys leadership

·         Communicates passion and motivates the team to act

·         Builds networks within and around the team

·         Empowers and guides others to improve

·         Creates a sense of confidence and optimism

·         Adaptable

·         Creative

·         Diplomatic

·         Assertive

·         Can seek to manipulate others

Natural strengths

·         Inspiring the team to embrace the mission

·         Understanding long term and strategic implications of decisions

·         Leading the team in a challenging environment

·         Motivating the group to work together effectively

·         Maintaining energy levels and commitment during difficult times

·         Working to high ethical standards

Possible struggles

·         May manipulate rather than confront others

·         May hold self and others to overly high standards

·         May seek to please everyone

·         May allow emotions to cloud judgement and eschew pragmatic options as a result

The Instructor in a leadership role will lead from the front and work hard to understand and motivate others. Pivoting on Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Instructor leaders are able to articulate and communicate their vision and inspire others to work towards achieving it with them. Hard working, disciplined and focused, Instructors in a leadership role aim to keep the team together and encourage them to stay dedicated to achieving their goals. 

Instructors like to make decisions collectively, listening to others and empowering them to take part and to feel a sense of ownership. They are excellent diplomats and true people. 

With an auxiliary function of Introverted iNtuition (Ni) working alongside their pivot function, they will be keen to hear and to use new ideas and to work in an unconventional way if necessary. They have a strong moral compass and are able to articulate the rights and wrongs of a situation or a decision effectively and clearly.

Instructor leaders are passionate and forward looking but may also be blind to the details of a task or the day-to-day, down-to-earth truth of a situation. Others may see them as illogical or unmindful as a result. Instructors are, however, usually driven by their vision and have strongly held beliefs that underpin that vision.

The Standard-Bearer/Animator (Energiser – ENFP)

Individual Meaning Specialization- Diplomatic/Mediating/Motivating

Possible Meaning of Particular Individuals, starting with themselves

The ENFP Standard-Bearer specializes in understanding the context of Individuals and what they *Mean,* starting with themselves.  They see the timeless intrinsic significance of what Individual people are and can be, and love to explore that people-Meaning and share it with others.  They also shine at helping Individuals rally around the Meaning that they personally could accomplish in the world.  But with their primary focus starting with the Meaning of themselves, the Standard-Bearer needs to be cautious not to defend their own Meaning (especially actions, which as EPs they’re likely to be self-conscious of), to the point that they end up making others feel of less worth, or like they have to compete with the ENFP in order to have their own Meaning and significance.

Leadership Style

·         Charismatic and motivational, energises the team to act

·         Empathic and socially minded

·         Facilitates discussion and freedom of action within the team

·         Fast moving and intuitive

·         Solves problems on the hoof

·         An open and honest communicator

·         Assertive

·         Imaginative

·         Creative

·         Optimistic

·         May become bored or dispirited when work becomes routine

Natural strengths

·         Building and maintaining positive relationships within and around the team

·         An excellent judge of people’s motivations and abilities

·         Flexible and adaptable

·         Leading and motivating the team when goals are ambiguous or unclear

·         Identifying and exploiting opportunities

·         Creating a sense of optimism and forward motion

Possible struggles

·         May become bored easily and avoid routine tasks

·         May struggle to maintain discipline when needed

·         May fail to give clear direction

·         May prioritise process over outcomes

The Animator in a leadership role will be energetic, independently minded and socially aware. Animators are true “big picture” thinkers, seeing the world as an interconnected web of relationships and possibilities that can be navigated intuitively.  As such, the Animator leader relies first and foremost on his or her pivot function of Extroverted Feeling (Fe) in order to communicate with and motivate the team. 

Animators are always in motion and will expect the team to be similarly energised at all times. This can be a little disconcerting for the steadier or quieter members of the team who may find the Animator leader overly boisterous. That said, Animators are also driven by their auxiliary function (Introverted Feeling (Fi)), which enables them to connect with others on an emotional level and which also forms the core of their decision-making strategy. A good decision for an Animator is one that creates the most positivity, often regardless of more practical considerations. 

 Animators are passionate and driven individuals who need to believe in the mission that they are given. When belief is lacking so is their energy and this will be transmitted to the team as the Animator leader struggles to conceal his or her feelings. When belief is high however, this will also be obvious and infectious, as will their charisma, insight and imagination. They enjoy novelty and exploration and enjoy leading creative teams where ideas and innovation is key. They do not like to micro manage but will expect others to get on board and to be as passionate as they are about the mission in hand. 

 Oiling the social wheels and keeping spirits up are seen as priorities while strict hierarchical relationships are not. As such, juniors are treated as friends and equals, which although useful when everyone is pulling together can cause problems when discipline needs to be established. 






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