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Impact of Digital Technology and its Tools on SMEs

Range and Variety of ICT Tools Relevant to SMEs

All the main sources (IDC; McKinsey Global Institute MGI; IBM Research GTO; Accenture Technology Vision; IT 2020 At Kearney) agree in identifying the following technologies as the most important trends affecting the ICT market and the socio-economic system in the next ten years:


·         Mobility and Mobile Apps: The incredibly rapid penetration of mobile devices and technologies in the market and the broad phenomenon of leveraging mobile solutions in the business environment;


·         Cloud computing: the disruptive delivery model of software and ICT services, based on flexible and on-demand business models;


·         Big data analytics: a new generation of technologies and architectures, designed to economically extract value from very large volumes of a wide variety of data, by enabling high velocity capture, discovery, and/or analysis;


·         Social media technologies: the use of social media within and outside the enterprise, implementing social marketing techniques and facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing;


·         Internet of Things (IoT): A dynamic global network infrastructure with self-configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual “things” have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities, use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network. 


In addition, the following trends have been selected for their impact on market dynamics and the demand of skills:


·         Customer Experience IT (CXIT) refers to the IT-related investments required to manage and optimise the customer's (or a citizen's) experience with an organisation. This is a new concept reflecting the increasing convergence of innovative IT (mobile, social technologies, cloud, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT)) into applications and services centred on the customer experience, implemented through investments made by business managers other than CIOs.

·         IT security: given the increasing dependency of European organisations on ICT systems, and the growing complexity of connected environments, there is strong demand for and diffusion of software and tools to ensure systems security at all levels.


Impact of Digital Technology on changing consumer behaviour and on businesses

Digital technologies hold potential for the creation of new businesses and opportunities including, innovation, new ways of engaging with customers, higher revenue streams, faster times ‘to-market’, enhanced service provision, reduced costs and increased productivity.  While small businesses are increasing their digital footprint and are more active in website development, they are less active in integrating and capitalising on the potential of the ever increasing array of digital technologies, in particular engaging in ecommerce; selling to international customers via ecommerce and mobile marketing, therefore missing out on market expansion and sales opportunities (Ettlie and Pavlou, 2006; Kohli and Grover, 2008; Rai et al., 2012).   Entrepreneurs and owner-managers need to transition their business activities to a ‘go digital’ mode of behaviour with digital technologies becoming an essential component of modern business. Trends such as virtualisation, cloud computing and social networking are likely to intensify in their presence in the ‘go digital’ process adopted in business, education, learning and social contexts. In order to move the entrepreneur and owner-manager to the ‘go digital’ mind-set and mode of behaviour they need to develop associated e-Leadership competencies and capabilities to enable the productive use of digital technologies across and between business functions.

By Mwansa Matimba, 
Business Development Consultant


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