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LinkedIn Tips | Create Awesome Profiles

 One who aspires to work for great companies must focus on building a strong referral network. This decade is highly connected via a variety of social networks. Most companies prefer a referred candidate over an unknown profile.

LinkedIn has probably worded the best tools for building a really powerful professional network. It provides direct access to your immediate connections and also gives you a simple way to get introduced to more people who are connected to your friends and colleagues.

The key to attracting more recruiters and employers to your profile is a good quality profile . Below are some tips for you to have an awesome LinkedIn Profile:

Need Endorsements? Endorse others frequently

Getting LinkedIn endorsements for a specific skill from others is not easy. The best way is to start endorsing others for their skills and few of them will endorse you back.

Write Everything About Yourself

Be detailed. Write about your education and experience. If you have some major achievements then write about it too. It helps a lot in the selection process as it gives more insight into your skills and helps the recruiters to make a good decision whether you are suitable for the required post or not.

Make The Profile Public

You should always make your profile public. It indicates to others that you are open to contact and inquire. If you make the profile private, it would give an indication to the recruiters that you are not interested in jobs or you have some drawbacks which you want to hide from them.

Update Your Profile Regularly

Freshen up your profile often. Update a profile pic too in which you look much more formal and professional. The dressing sense should be good at it. It should not be the same as the Facebook Profile Pic. Professionalism is necessary for it. Don’t upload a group photo with your friends or any other such type of peculiar Pics. Freshen up the summary section. It is the section in which you give a short glimpse of yourself to other people.

Add Certifications

Certifications give a natural boost to your profile. It speaks louder than a recommendation. If you are certified by a known authority people will trust you more and try to hire you.

Respond To Recruiters: Even When You are not looking for Job

It’s obvious to respond to recruiters when you are actively looking for a Job, however, you may want to make it a habit to respond to any job inquiry. This will ensure you keep growing your connections. You need not respond as frequent, maybe once in a week will be a good idea. Below is a draft email you can use to respond to the recruiter when you are not actively looking for a job.

Share Interesting Content in Your Domain

You can use LinkedIn status updates for sharing interesting status updates on your profile. Be cautious to share professional and useful content in your domain. Remember it is your professional network, not friends and family network (e.g. Facebook).

Write About Both Your Past And Present Roles

It is a good habit to write both your past experience and your present role. Whether you have worked for different companies, or have switched to different roles in the same company. Writing about your past role helps others who wish to investigate about your employment history.

Make A Good URL

The profile should be easy to remember. Change the URL given automatically to a more pleasing URL which can be remembered easily. It can be done in the settings section of the account.

Call To Action

Apart from general communication, one of the essential aims of using LinkedIn profile is to convert connections into customers and colleagues. For this, it is important to incorporate an option of Call to Action within the LinkedIn profile.

Connect With Classmates

Connecting with classmates helps in increasing the connection count and helps in term of business too. The best way is to use the contact import feature that connects with many popular email clients including Gmail.

Quality And Not Quantity

It is important to have quality than quantity when writing a summary about yourself. Thus it is important to maintain a balance between content quality and content quantity.

Use Badges Of LinkedIn

To drive traffic to your profile can be achieved by promoting your LinkedIn profile on other platforms. LinkedIn has a page called LinkedIn Badges page, in it there are approx 10 badges which can be embedded in the website, making it easier to share the LinkedIn profile with others.

Don’t Overuse Buzzwords

Using Buzzwords a lot is a common trap in LinkedIn. Such words are like motivated, responsible, etc. The impact of these words is less as many users use it. Thus avoid buzzwords throughout the Introduction section.

Be Honest

Don’t lie about anything. Be honest about your skills, education, experience, and current status. Don’t overestimate the qualifications.

Don’t’ Copy Your Resume

The profile should not be a carbon copy of your C.V… In fact, it should be something that compliments your C.V.

Get Recommendations From Renowned People

For votes of confidence, recommendations are very vital. It is good to have a list of recommendations from objective sources.

Avoid Grammar Mistakes

Don’t have a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. It seems to be very unprofessional as if you have put very little attention while creating the account. Account creation needs a lot of time and you have to put time and effort into it.

Join Interesting Groups In Your Domain

LinkedIn supports groups for discussing things with like-minded people. You may find answers to your questions, however, I prefer to use it as a place to demonstrate your skills. There may be a lot of beginners in your field that may be looking for some help. If you help them it helps you build connections and get a better reputation in the community. The recruiter often goes after people who are answering questions on groups.

Have Advantage From The “Answers” Feature

LinkedIn users enjoy a feature where they can ask some questions from other users to answer. The users who usually answer a lot of doubts of other users are said to be active on the site and are even rewarded as more and more people visit their profile and glance the profile.


Thus following the above 15 tips helps you to make a good LinkedIn profile. Professionalism is very important if you want to impress those people who are in search of employers, business partners, old school and college friends.

Thus, have nice luck with the Job Search…!!!

This Post is written by Alia. She is a writer/blogger. She writes articles on Technology, social media, WordPress, Gamification, responsive design and software development.

Happy learning!

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